I did try and fuck her. She was married… I moved on her like a bitch, but I couldn't get there. And she was married. Then all of a sudden I see her, she's not got the big phony tits and everything... I've got to use some Tic Tacs, just in case I start kissing her. You know I'm automatically attracted to beautiful. I just start kissing them. It's like a magnet. Just kiss. I don't even wait. And when you're a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.

Donald Trump, 45th President of the United States

Fecha de realización: 2016:04:07 03:39:03 - Velocidad de obturación: 3/1s - Diafragma: f5 - Zoom: 52mm
Fecha de realización: 2016:02:05 16:48:00 - Velocidad de obturación: 34.7/10000s - Diafragma: f2.4 - Zoom: mm

This is a recording I took -using a webcam- of the talk I gave at LibrePlanet 2015. The last question is missing. A better quality recording will be uploaded by the conference organizers to http://media.libreplanet.org. The document is licensed under Creative Commons Share Alike - Attribution - Non Derivs. I use non-deriv licenses for works that include my personal opinions.

Thanks again to FSF for bringing me to the conference with a scholarship, and to the donors that made that possible! Also thanks to ThinkPenguin for providing the accomodation.

LibrePlanet conference, Sunday March 24th of 2013, Harvard university.